Subsidies for single-parent households
The following subsidies are available for a single parent (due to divorce or death of a spouse) until the child reaches the age of eighteen (until graduating from high school).
Subsidies may not be available depending on the parent’s income.
You must apply to receive these subsidies.For more information, please contact the Child Services Section.
Child Rearing Allowance for Single-Parent Households
This allowance is available to a single parent raising children up to the age of 18 (until the first March 31st after turning 18).
Housing Allowance for Single-Parent Families
This allowance is available to a single parent who is renting a house.
Medical Subsidy for Single-Parent Families
When a single-parent household member receives medical treatment at a hospital, the medical expense incurred per visit will be either exempted or reduced to 300 yen if the single-parent medical expense voucher [card] is presented.
〒279-8501 千葉県浦安市猫実一丁目1番1号(市役所2階)