Death of a family member
If a family member or someone else living with you passes away, you must submit a death notification to the Civic Affairs Section at Urayasu City Hall within seven days of learning of the fact.
If you submit a death notification, you can obtain a cremation permit, which is required to cremate the deceased.
In Japan, the deceased are usually cremated.
Documents to submit
・Death certificate or coroner’s note (written by a doctor)
・Death notification (available at the hospital along with the death certificate and coroner’s note)
Who can submit a death notification
- Family member who lived with the deceased
- Other person who lived with the deceased
Note: Consult with city hall if someone else other than above will be submitting the notification
Where to submit
- If the deceased is a Japanese national, registered domicile of the deceased (government office where the family register is kept)
- Government office of the location where the deceased passed away
- Government office where the person submitting the death notification lives
Certificates are available after submitting a death notification
You can obtain a certificate of receipt or certificate of registered matters at the Civic Affairs Section
(350yen per certificate).
Please contact the Civic Affairs Section if you need one.
〒279-8501 千葉県浦安市猫実一丁目1番1号(市役所1階)