Obtaining taxation certificates
A taxation certificate is a document that certifies the amount of municipal tax and prefectural tax you must pay based on your income and deductions for the previous year. Fee required.
Location and hours of operation
Taxation Certificate Counter, Residential Tax Section (Urayasu City Hall 2F)
Monday to Friday and Sunday, 8:30 a.m.to 5 p.m. (excluding the year-end/New Year holidays)
Station City Service Centers
- Maihama Station City Service Center (Maihama Station North Exit 2F, 25-2 Maihama, Urayasu City)
- Shin-Urayasu Station City Service Center (Shin-Urayasu IL MARE 2F, 1-2-1 Irifune, Urayasu City)
- Urayasu Station City Service Center (Seiyu Part 2, 1F, 1-13-25 Kitazakae, Urayasu City)
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.to 5 p.m. (excluding national holidays and year-end/New Year holidays)
〒279-8501 千葉県浦安市猫実一丁目1番1号(市役所2階)