
現在位置:  トップページ > サイトの情報 > Foreign languages > A guide for foreign residents > Elder Care, Nursing Care, and People with Disabilities > Support for the elderly (services)


Support for the elderly (services)

ページID K1036228 更新日  令和5年7月19日  印刷

There are services available for those aged sixty-five and over.You must apply to use these services.
For more information, please contact the Senior Citizens Welfare Section. 

Content of main services:

Keiro-kai (Respect-for-the-elderly celebration)

This is an event to celebrate residents who have lived a long life (above the age of seventy-seven).They also receive congratulatory gifts.

Senior Clubs

Club members gather to enjoy hobbies and volunteer activities.People around the age of sixty and over can join.

Illustration of Senior Citizens' Club

Senior Citizens Human Resources Center

The center introduces jobs to the elderly (to perform work at companies, city hall, etc.).

You will be reimbursed for a portion of the costs incurred in the following cases:

  • When purchasing mobility walkers, hearing aids and cataract glasses
  • When forced to move due to circumstances out of your control, such as when the place you are renting is being demolished

Illustration of a wheeled walker

You can receive the following:

  • Discount coupons for acupuncture, moxibustion and massages
  • Bus coupons for the Tokyo Bay City Bus
  • Disposable diapers
  • Canes

You can borrow emergency contact devices

When you need immediate help, such as because of a sudden illness, you can use one of these devices to get someone to come to your house to help you.This is available for households where all members are aged 65 and over or where only those aged 65 and over are on their own during the daytime.

Dinner delivery

Dinner can be delivered to those who cannot make their own meals.
(For households where all members are aged sixty-five and over.)
Note: Fee required.

Staff members will visit your house to give you haircuts and help dry futons. 

Note: Fee required.






〒279-8501 千葉県浦安市猫実一丁目1番1号(市役所3階)




